- Ph.D., 1989, Columbia University
- National Research Council postdoctoral associateship, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, 1989-1991
Areas of Interest:
Human factors in transportation (e.g., manual and automated driving; pedestrian street-crossing), health care (nursing, medication administration, patient safety, telehealth, minimally-invasive surgery), and military (e.g., UAVs, night vision goggles)
Perception of collision (vision, auditory, tactile), multisensory integration in normal and impaired vision, virtual reality
Services and Awards
Memberships and Positions:
- Editor-in-Chief, Human Factors, 2014-2021
- Chairperson, Accreditation Committee, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2010-2013
- President, APA Division 21, 2011
- Editorial Board, JEP: Applied, 2007-2013
- Program Chairperson, APA Division 21, 2009
- Chairperson, Education & Training Committee, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2004-2009
Honors and Awards:
- Texas Tech University Faculty Distinguished Leadership Award, 2016
- Human Factors and Ergonomic Society’s Paul M. Fitts Education Award for outstanding contributions to the education and training of human factors specialists, 2015
- American Psychological Association Division 21’s 2014 Franklin V. Taylor Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Applied Experimental Engineering Psychology
- Fellow, American Psychological Association
- Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
- Fellow, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
- Fellow, Psychonomic Society
- Standing Review Panel for the NASA Johnson Space Center Human Research Program, Space Human Factors and Habitability Element, 2009-2012
- Special Emphasis Panel on Patient Safety through Simulation Research, Agency for Health Research Quality, 2006
- Policy Study Committee on Safety Belt Technology for the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council of the National Academy of Science, 2002-2003
- Texas Tech University Barnie E. Rushing, Jr. Faculty Distinguished Research Award, 2012